Wednesday, February 24, 2016

5 Ways To: Spring Forward!


This is the best time to clean out your closet. We're getting warmer weather, so it's time to start thinking about those chunky sweaters that take up so much room. Did you even wear that vest this winter?? This is my favorite. I go through my closet, look at what I did and didn't wear. Let's be honest, we don't wear all of our clothes for each season, every year, but sometimes you're just keeping items for no reason & it's time to make room for new goods! Most of the time-- I'll come up with an excuse as to why I didn't wear it, because I am a clothes hoarder! Best tip I can tell you- turn all of your hangers one way and once you wear an item, flip it the other way, so that at the end of the season, you can tell what you've worn & what you haven't worn! Donate those clothes you haven't worn! PS- felt hangers are a life changer...

2) Clean Out Your Everything

Just like you did your closet, do everything else. Maybe not as big of a project, but we need to get clean & organized! Winter had us inside all cozy, and now it's time to declutter & make our space fresh and clean! When's the last time you cleaned out your makeup? There's a good chance, just like me, that you have a mascara from a year ago. Why? No one knows. Girls, we just don't like to throw things out because there's a good chance you could need that one item in 17 months.... Clean out your products. I am the kind of gal that I like to try anything and everything. If I see someone posting about something and how great it is, I have to see for myself! So, my product cabinet is always full, but over half of the items, I don't use. Getting rid of stuff makes you feel good and clean!!

3) Find Your Tan

If you're like me, you are really white (photos above prove..) and maybe you tan, or burn, and don't want to damage your skin. And, don't have time to layout and get that perfect sun kissed tan! You need to find an at home, fake tan, that works well for you! I have my collection of fake tanning lotions / sprays, and have my favorites! If you need a quick instant tan, I suggest St. Tropez. I love their quality, it doesn't smell, and it is user friendly! I love the gradual lotion, the express bronzing mousse, and the original bronzing mousse! I've also tried Fake Bake, and their products work well, but if you sweat at all while sleep, the product ruins your sheets, where as St. Tropez doesn't! Jergens gradual lotion works well too! It has been re-formulated and doesn't smell as bad as it use to! I use that after I've don't an instant tan, to prolong my color! 

4) Work On You Being Healthy

With Summer on its way, we are all striving to be healthy and fit, so we can be bikini body ready! So, we say we don't have time for this. MAKE TIME. I am queen of hitting snooze, or changing my alarm after it goes off, and telling myself I'll workout later. Guess what... I never "workout later". Just get up, and get it done! When I workout in the morning I have more energy throughout the day, and it makes me want to eat healthier so I don't cancel out what I just worked hard on! If I workout "later" then I'll tell myself, oh I can just work harder later if I eat this now. NO! Also- getting the amount of water your body needs is important! Just buy drinking your daily amount you can see a huge difference in your body. 

5) Make Your Wishlist 

We all want new items in our closet for Spring! Figure out what you "WANT" and what you "NEED"! I really want these new peep toe nude booties, but I already have nude peep toe booties.... I've already started a wish list for my birthday and for my new apartment! You can never be too ready! Also- with a wish list, create a budget for your wants. I know this is hard, but tell yourself you'll only spend ___$ at Target, or on clothes, and what not! Maybe you need to detox yourself from your daily Starbucks run and start making your coffee at home. These things can add up to a cute pair of shoes! 

Let's Spring forward together!! I am ready to layout by the pool, wear my shorts, and just have fun! This cool weather is getting a little old. Too much back & forth for me! 

I've listed my favorite tanning items & the felt hangers that I can't live without, and a fun water bottle to work on your daily water intake:

1 comment:

  1. These clothes hangers are on sale at Macy's for $30, then take an extra 15% off. They end up being only .50 each! That's a great deal. I'll be getting some. Thanks for the idea.


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Top: Old, Old Navy. Similar  /  Similar . Leggings: Lululemon . Similar / Similar (on sale). Tennis Shoes: Nike  ( on sale here) .   Simil...