Tuesday, September 1, 2015

When Your Tuesday Starts an Hour Early...

Yesterday, was a Monday. It just was. 

Things that could happen, happened. 
-I forgot my debit card three times. THREE times. 
-My oversized purse strap broke while walking campus.. with my necessities in there!
-I had tons of reading homework.
-It just wasn't a good day...
(Although I did have a large cup of coffee, which was a Monday necessity!) 

So today, today was going to be a fresh start. Today was going to be the most rockin' Tuesday ever, even though I have class from 9:30-4:00.. (Notice I said 9:30..)
Well, I got up, made the largest cup of coffee (was up super late), managed to put some makeup on, throw on my glasses and walk out of the door to catch the bus! (I'm taking the school bus for the first time in my life :) )
I get onto campus, and it is really quiet. Not the normal crowed. It's 8:26. So I think I'm just a little early and have time to walk to class slowly. But it still feels weird. I check my schedule. It says 9:30. My class is at 9:30. UGH! 

Well, you know what. I'm not going to let me being up an hour early upset me. 

Because, I'm blessed to have gotten up today. 
-I'm blessed to be able to have the luxury of Starbucks breakfast today. 
-I'm blessed to have time to enjoy my scenic route on Baylor campus.
-I'm blessed beyond measures. 

I'm not going to let something that's a hidden blessing, start my day off wrong. 

So when your Tuesday starts an hour early, count your blessings & have a fabulous day! 
(Today, I wasn't feelin' it too early, but now, I am going to have THE best day!)



  1. Hope your Tuesday continues to be blessed and your wear your sunglasses when looking at your shoes!

  2. See, it all works out. God's timing, NOT yours! Enjoy your day and walk on....


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Top: Old, Old Navy. Similar  /  Similar . Leggings: Lululemon . Similar / Similar (on sale). Tennis Shoes: Nike  ( on sale here) .   Simil...